Ben Nye Liquid Hair Color
Need to transform your tresses without buying a wig? Ben Nye’s Liquid Hair Color breaks you into character without breaking your bank! Transform yourself from graying to brown, from brown to white, from blonde to brown and brown to black! A pioneer in the industry for hair color, Ben Nye’s Silver Grey still stands apart with it’s perfect balance of silver and grey.
Available Colors
Auburn is a rich, warm, red brown tone.
Dark Brown is a rich, natural dark brown for blending or an all over change.
Dark Grey is a true, deep grey.
Midnight Black completely blackens hair for dramatic effects. Caution: Coloring may smudge or transfer. Avoid contact with hands and costuming.
Silver Grey is a realistic silvery grey age tone with subtle metallic highlights.
Snow White is used to age dark brown or black hair. Streak into Silver Grey or Dark Grey to brighten highlights. Works excellently for Santa beard and brows.
Taupe is a subtle neutral brown that adds dramatic contrast to white and grey hair.
Yields 3 to 10 Applications Per Ounce.